Jacksonville Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer

The criminal defense attorneys at Lockett Law, P.A. aim to provide the most thorough and results-oriented legal representation for each of all of our clients in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. In fact, Lee Lockett and the team at Lockett Law have over 20 years handling a variety of cases in the Jacksonville area. If you or a loved on are charged with a crime, it is imperative to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Jacksonville Beach to help you build your defense and protect your rights.

DUI Defense in Jacksonville Beach, FL

When the attorneys at Lockett Law, P.A. take on a DUI case, our goal is not simply to negotiate the best “deal” possible, we want to beat the charge! We have extensive experience handling DUI defense in Jacksonville, Beach. We will act aggressively and promptly to not only protect your rights, but save your driver’s license and prevent incarceration at all costs. Simply put, we want to beat the cases. We do not want our clients in jail.

If you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with DUI in Jacksonville Beach, do not hesitate to contact the experienced DUI Defense lawyers in Lockett Law, P.A. We are ready to help you!

Drug Charges

When charged with a drug crime, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney in Jacksonville Beach is very important. You will want to talk with an attorney as soon as possible. Any drug charge, no matter whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony,  has the potential to follow you around and impact the rest of your life, if convicted. Contact the experienced drug defense lawyers at Lockett Law today to schedule your free, initial consultation.

Violent Crime Defense in Jacksonville Beach, FL

Any violent crime can carry lifelong consequences if convicted. A conviction for a violent crime can lead to the loss of rights, such as the right to own a firearm, and can have tremendous penalties such as trouble finding employment, housing, and much more. If you are ever charged with a violent crime, contact an experienced Jacksonville criminal defense attorney is absolutely critical. The attorney’s at Lockett Law, P.A. are ready to begin building your defense today. Contact us today to schedule your free, initial consultation.

Criminal Defense in Jacksonville Beach, FL

Here at Lockett Law, we handle a wide variety of criminal cases. We take great pride in aggressively defending our clients and their rights, working hard to seek the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one has been arrested, contact us today to schedule your free, initial consultation. We look forward to discussing your case with you and fighting for the best outcome possible! Lockett Law handles a variety of cases, including:


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