Knowledgeable Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney

Knowledgeable Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney

Representation by the right attorney is vital if you or a loved one faces criminal charges. Whether it is at the state or federal level, Lockett Law, P.A., provides knowledgeable and effective criminal defense to clients. We aggressively defend our clients’ rights, providing the right guidance throughout the entire process, from initial consultation through to the final resolution. It is important to contact a qualified lawyer as soon as possible, ideally before making a statement to law enforcement.

With experience working in Jacksonville and around Florida, managing partner Lee Lockett has practiced law since 1997, working for the State and in private practice. He and the entire team know the legal system here in northeast Florida and tailor our defense to achieve the best results. To do this we sit down with clients to hear the facts of the case and their side of the story. We then can often find holes in the prosecution, whether it is lack of evidence, following the proper procedure and other legal lapses.

Criminal Defense in Jacksonville

Depending on the needs of your case, we can bring in outside investigators and other experts to help build the strongest possible case. We represent clients facing a wide variety of charges, including the following:

  • DUI and traffic offenses: We are well known for our experience and success handling these charges.
  • Drug charges: We handle trafficking and possession charges involving narcotics, prescription drugs or marijuana.
  • White collar crimes and fraud: We provide guidance in federal court to those in health care fraud, credit card fraud, tax fraud and mortgage fraud as well as identity theft, internet crimes and corruption.
  • Felonies, violent crimes and capital offenses: A quality defense is crucial when facing charges involving long-term imprisonment.
  • Assault charges: These can involve a simple misunderstanding or a mistake made in the heat of the moment, but the penalties can still be severe.
  • Sex crimes: Those charged are labeled as guilty before ever entering a courtroom, so an aggressive defense is crucial to defending your personal freedom and standing in the community.
  • Firearms and weapons charges: The laws are changing in Florida, yet the fact remains that any charge involving weapons is serious and can jeopardize your right to bear arms.
  • Crimes involving minorsJuvenile crimes often involve a child who does not understand the implications of their actions and the possibility that it could have negative impact on their future prospects.

These Charges are Life-Changing

The most common mistake made by those facing criminal charges at the state and federal level involves not taking the matter seriously. Federal charges are extremely severe and often include the possibility of incarceration in a federal penitentiary. Repeat offenders will also see increase in sentencing and other penalties. The best way to help your case is to be proactive in immediately seeking out legal guidance from a lawyer willing to defend you to the fullest extent of the law.

Get The Legal Defense You Deserve

Call our offices at 904-858-9818 day or night to speak with an experienced Jacksonville Criminal Defense lawyer. We also respond promptly to online messages sent through the contact page. Se habla Español.


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